Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Eazy-Peazy Pizza in Eight Minutes

I love finding new low-cal things that are delish!  And I've got a new one!  

My sister and I were at World Market when we ran across Pastorelli Ultra Thin Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts.  They were $3.99 for three, so we thought we'd try them.

Tuesday is always pizza night at our house, so yesterday, we gave them a try and they ARE awesome!  Not to mention, only about 150 calories for half a pizza.

So, here's what you do to make your own eight minute, low cal, no guilt pizza.

Eight Minute Pizza

Effort Meter (1 to 5): 1 (easy peazy)
Delicious Meter (1 to 5): 3 (as good as an effort of 1 gets)


Pastorelli Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts
Marinara Sauce
Olive Oil

  1. Preheat the oven to 425. Place pizza stone in the oven and let warm up to temp.
  2. Remove crust from bag. 
  3. Drizzle lightly with olive oil.
  4. Using a spatula, add some pre-made marinara.  I like the Wolfgang Puck Tomato Basil (or you can use left over homemade spag sauce). Coat crust lightly.
  5.  Cut chunks of mozzarella cheese--not shredded--and lightly cover the pizza.
  6. Add thinly chopped fresh basil. 
  7. Salt the pizza.
  8. Place on stone and cook for about 8 minutes.
  9. Enjoy!

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